Learn CSS Discord Activity Game

Screenshot of the game

I’ll name it something cool eventually, hopefully. Bored and unable to sleep one day, I decided: what the heck, I want to figure out this discord app/activity thing, and I need to learn REACT, and I’ve somehow acquired this group of people who are looking at me to explain web coding… How about I make… Read More

AJAX and Images

Okay so I recently figured this out, fixed it on my scripts, forgot about it, was just reminded, realized I ought to document/share. So this is getting posted here and a couple other places. When you do a fetch() or $.get() the browser only fetches that specific page, and doesn’t bring along any external/linked files…. Read More

Using SVG Filters in CSS

Firstly, you’ll need the svg itself. Three things to note: 1: Like empty images, empty svgs still take up some minimum space by default. If you’re borrowing a filter from an svg image that you’re actually using, that’s not an issue. If you’re just using the svg for filters, the svg itself needs to be… Read More

Glitch “Disk Full” Fixes

Add to .gitignore: In the Terminal: Note!! pnpm will not understand ci and will pass it to npm directly, and you will end up with locally-installed npm modules that contribute to your quota. refresh will trigger the editor refresh, pnpm to prune & install, and the app to restart.


Wonder how good it would be as radiation shielding…. particularly neutrino shielding. Alpha and beta radiation are pretty easy to stop with any kind of solid/dense material, and really not worth pulling out the exotic stuff for. Gamma rays are just photons, and Vibranium seems to reflect visible light and various beam weapons and such,… Read More

Death Star Physics Questions

Assuming destruction absolute enough that no two molecules will gravitationally recombine ever seems like an extreme upper bound on the problem. The biggest thing immediately evident in Alderaan’s debris field was the death star itself when the Milenium Falcon showed up, but it looked to me more like the majority of the planet’s mass formed a pulverized debris cloud only a few planet-diameters across when we did witness one of these explosions.

My Favourite Text Gradients

Note: I am using -webkit prefixed styles for all three relevant rules to ensure that only browsers that implement all three will load the background gradient at all. I could use a proper polyfill and/or @supports, but honestly this creates more readable code. Non-webkit browsers have started using webkit prefixes too, so this code works… Read More

Automatically generate Google Fonts link.

Useful if you are making a customizable skin, or if you allow users to set font preferences in their account settings. Of course, the basic way you include google fonts on your page is like this: HTML (preconnects are technically optional): Or, CSS Include: So how to generate that link from an array of font… Read More

Changing the Colors of Input Elements

Ever been on a forum site with a really nice dark theme, but then you go to make a post, and are presented with a large blindingly white text area to type in? Maybe with tiny, hard to read font? Of course you have. But this is a 100% fixable problem. Let’s say we have… Read More

The Book of Traceable Heraldic Art

Book of Traceable Heraldic Art

This is a complete rebuild of the back end of an existing website. The old site had a complex build process was but then serving static html pages. I am rebuilding it as a node.js site with a MongoDB back end.

Data Binding, Updates, and SQLDataSource

Random Things to remember: SQLDataSource won’t bind parameters properly if you don’t specify a type, but the GUI data source setup window doesn’t guess nor prompt you to provide them. It’s under ‘Advanced’; or go into the code and add them. GridView will automatically add anything with ‘id’ in the field name to the DataKeys… Read More